Un-responsive Home Page


I've successfully downloaded and opened my prototype app on my device, but the home page is unresponsive.  The page looks exactly like I would expect it to, but I cannot tap on anything.


There are three reasons why this could be happening:

  1. Global Instructions has been activated for the app, but they have not been configured.  There are two (2) options to fix:
    1. Turn Global Instructions off and create a new build of the app (Send Test App).
    2. Drag-n-drop the Close button onto the first page of Global Instructions, then "kill the app" and reopen (do not need to create a new build).

  2. The Instructions View for that AppBlock has been activated, but has not been configured.  There are two (2) options to fix:
    1. Turn the Instructions View off from the configuration page of the AppBlock you have set as the Default Landing Page (Send Test App)
    2. Drag-n-drop the Close button onto the Instructions View, then "kill the app" and reopen.

  3. You may have forgotten to point your Home Canvas buttons to AppBlocks!  In the Platform, click on each button you have on the Home Canvas to make sure you've setup the "Navigation" panel.


If you are still having the same problem after checking the above solutions, please send us a help desk ticket.